Wick Talk

CURIOUS WEDNESDAY // the search is on

A middle school friend once quoted most likely something her older sister once said, "moving is only second in stress, to childbirth

CURIOUS WEDNESDAY // Dreams can be deceiving

“Though dreams can be deceiving, like faces are to hearts, they serve for sweet relieving, when fantasy and reality lie too far apart


Despite my early intrigues in not only BDSM and fetishism, but also borderline vanilla fantasies as I recall early would mean the age of 2 I had little desire to explore the visual world of pornography

Curious Wednesday // to burlesque, or not to burlesque

With the conclusion of nearly two year run of a burlesque night I started at Piano's of the lower east side, came retrospective and perspective

Curious Wednesday // Size Queen

If you ever wonder, how it is that you can make yourself stand out from the crowd, I can tell you that it's by thinking big

All About Teeth // A Chat with Shade Rupe

At the heart and soul of every true artist there is a need

Curious Wednesday // ADBUSTED

Last week I wrote on the topic of self propelling motivation, being your own boss, and staying tough in the game of independent contractors

Curious Wednesday // Entrepreneurs

As time shifts towards New York and away from my childhood in Boston, I look around and realize there is not one friend whose office I can use to send a fax

Curious Wednesday // Sleep No More :: a must see

On a block in Chelsea devoid of nearly all advertising, at the west side edge of the world, hangs a lonely sign "Scores", across from which is a series of large black doors and an ever growing line of sophisticated, middle aged spectators who had all signed up for the earliest time slot on this particular Tuesday evening

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