Independent Bookstore Day Is Saturday. Where Are You Reading, Bushwick?

Even if you don't want to venture out of the neighborhood, there are plenty of cozy nooks nearby for your reading pleasure.

Tags: Molasses Books

Independent Bookstore Day Is Saturday. Where Are You Reading, Bushwick?

Even if you don't want to venture out of the neighborhood, there are plenty of cozy nooks nearby for your reading pleasure.

With Weekly Fundraisers, Molasses Is Taking a Stand Against the Looming Presidential Administration

Ten percent of all bar and book sales every Friday night will get donated to progressive causes.

Meet the Bushwick Astrologer Who Posts Weekly Horoscopes at Little Skips!

Alice Sparkly Kat focuses on social identity within her astrology practice.

Represent Bushwick on Brooklyn’s Inaugural Bookstore Crawl

Bookstore sales are up across the country for the first time since 2007, and we can't think of a better way to celebrate than with the Brooklyn Bookstore Crawl on April 30th (which also happens to be Independent Bookstore Day)

Molasses Books Launches A Book Titled, Well, “BOOKS”: Get It Now

This past Friday, Molasses Books co-published a book by Kevin McNamee-Tweed alongside Farewell Books and Raw Paw in an addition of 300

Definitely Visit Topos: Ridgewood’s New Place for Books, Coffee, and Conversation

Just in time for beach reading season, we’ve discovered a gem of a used bookstore tucked away in Ridgewood: Topos Bookstore Café

Tonight: Très Yé-yé Book Release Party at Molasses Books

Are you finally thawing out after the Polar Vortex did its worst and finding yourself in need of a reason to wear something other than multiple pairs of longjohns and a balaclava? We're looking at a great weekend in Bushwick (more on that in tomorrow's weekend guide), and we're eager to start it off right

Five Bushwick Art Shows that Will Get You Wanderin’

I know we are all fed up with the endless L train delays and stoppages, and even more sick of hearing about it

Most Popular Reads in Bushwick Bookstores Uncovered

Not too long ago DNAinfo praised Bushwick for its bookshop greatness, even going so far as to call Bushwick a literary mecca (ooh lala, well thank you!)

Eat, Read, Party & Worry Not of Rain

Have you heard? Tropical system Andrea is headed towards us threatening us with flash floods on Friday morning through Saturday afternoon, says The National Weather Service

4 Fun Events for Lit Lovers this Weekend!

Plain PBR/whiskey consumption doesn't really cut it for you

VHS publication MONOBROW is launching this Thursday at Molasses Books

Bushwick is about to bear witness to the gorgeous union of past and future, high-concept and low-medium, cheap beer and stellar video art

Your Social Calendar for a Bushwick School Night

Bushwick! Open yourself up to a serendipitous adventure even on a school night! You can get an extra shot of espresso the next morning; right now go with the flow of this incredible neighborhood, and enjoy the moment without the weekend crows