Molasses Books Launches A Book Titled, Well, “BOOKS”: Get It Now

Photo via Molasses’ Facebook Page

This past Friday, Molasses Books co-published a book by Kevin McNamee-Tweed alongside Farewell Books and Raw Paw in an addition of 300. “BOOKS,” as the book is appropriately titled is a collection of over one hundred invented books, magazines, bookmarks, and fake flyers, all illustrated by McNamee-Tweed.

We spoke with Kevin briefly at his launch about the project. He told us he’s primarily an artist, doing exhibits mostly in Austin where he lives. He stayed in Bushwick for a while but knows Henry, the owner of Molasses from college. Upon meeting, they knew that they’d eventually work together in some capacity.

“BOOKS” is the combination of a lot of different things for Kevin: venues of his life, owning a book shop and being an artist…it’s the conclusion of his timeline so far. But that doesn’t stop it from being relatable. “BOOKS” is cheeky, fun and beautifully bound. Pick up a copy at Molasses today!

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Image by Kevin McNamee-Tweed


Image by Kevin McNamee Tweed

Molasses Books is located on 770 Hart Street, Bushwick.

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