Super Bowl Sunday in Bushwick: Top 5 Places to Go

Since these adorable puppies on Jimmy Fallon have already predicted who will win the Super Bowl, we can start focusing on what is really important – a good party! If you are still wondering which bars in Bushwick will provide you with the best chicken wings, beer and something a little extra to go with all that football, you’re at the right spot. Check out our selection of the five most awesome places to spend your Super Bowl Sunday…

#1 Molasses Books (Sunday, afternoon): Books + Football

Yes, our beloved book shop on Hart Street in Bushwick will attempt to participate in the Super Bowl fun on Sunday. The owner of Molasses, Matt, told us that he will be serving $2 beers and “playing Springsteen records while attempting (and probably failing) to stream the game on two tiny Macbooks.” If the Super Bowl screening fails, or if Beyonce gets on your nerves, you can always grab a book and keep on sipping beer like it’s any other Sunday.

Super Bowl Sunday in Bushwick: Top 5 Places to Go

#2 Exhibition Game @ Small Black Door (Sunday, 4-10PM): Art + Football

Our super-fav Ridgewood gallery Small Black Door has prepared something really awesome! That is a fusion of art and sports, naturally. Starting at 4PM, they will present an art show inspired by “everything right and wrong in sports, art and contemporary American Culture: heroics, mythology, aesthetic, spectacle, money, violence, sexism, drugs, and death.” The art show will be followed by the spectacular Super Bowl XLVII game, exhibition and performances. See ya at the Small Black Door stoop, everyone!

Super Bowl Sunday in Bushwick: Top 5 Places to Go
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#3 Super Bowl @ Miles (Sunday, 6PM): Chilli + Football

If you’re looking for a more traditional place to spend your Super Bowl, we know of an awesome, cozy bar that has a flatscreen and happy hour starting at 6PM ending at 8PM (woohoo!). Additionally, they will be serving delicious chili for $9 with any draft beer. Naturally, Beyonce fans will be treated with equal love. Check out Miles on Wilson Ave!

Super Bowl Sunday in Bushwick: Top 5 Places to Go
nooo superbowl

#4 Super Bowl @ Heavy Woods (Sunday 2PM, Monday 4AM) Collage + Football

At Heavy Woods they believe that nothing is more appropriate than football and Cajun food. Additionally, they will honor their patrons with $12 buckets of Bud. Just like you used to do in college.

Super Bowl Sunday in Bushwick: Top 5 Places to Go
Oopps. Image via some place on the Internet.

#5 Super Bowl @ Alaska (Sunday, 5-11PM): Puppies + Football

God knows that the best part of the Super Bowl is the puppies. Or kittens. In any case, if you’re a fan these adorable little clumsy creatures, you should go to Alaska because they will be rooting for labs as well. They are promising chicken wings, lotsa beer and deer heads on the wall (as usual). Cheers to puppies!

Super Bowl Sunday in Bushwick: Top 5 Places to Go
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Check out also our option for an anti-Super Bowl Sunday

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