VHS publication MONOBROW is launching this Thursday at Molasses Books

Bushwick is about to bear witness to the gorgeous union of past and future, high-concept and low-medium, cheap beer and stellar video art. This Thursday, Julian Glander, commercial illustrator and designer, and Kevvy Metal, filmmaker, will celebrate the release of Issue #1 of their VHS publication, MONOBROW, with a launch party at Molasses Books.

The tape will feature work from a veritable bevy of Brooklyn filmmakers, animators, and video artists, including but not limited to: Jodie Mack, Yoshi Sodeokoa, Tim Lahan, Tara Nelson, Dark Igloo, Stevhen Peters, Josh Kline, Juliet Phillips, and Timothy Fiore. The content of the project varies widely, covering a broad expanse of aesthetic styles and thematic concerns, with an emphasis on stuff that’s cool.

The idea for a VHS publication was born at Tina’s Place on Flushing Ave. Julian and Kevin were eating lunch when they happened to notice that someone had thrown out a large box of VHS tapes. While picking over the abandoned cassettes, they started talking about VHS as a format and exploring how the medium could be revamped. Within a day they had put up the website and started requesting submissions.

The boys will be hosting a screening/launch party in Molasses Books (770 Hart St) this Thursday at 8PM. Come and check out the world’s first VHS periodical! Copies are available for a startlingly affordable $10 and can be purchased here.

Also, be on the lookout for Monobrow #2. The two artists DEFINITELY anticipate future editions, so start working on your own submissions!


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