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Rubulad’s New Location in Photos

We reported a few weeks ago about the long-awaited return of Rubulad, a notorious Brooklyn underground party, in their enormous new space at the Knockdown Center

These 5 Bushwick Concerts Will Make You Happy!

Drums + Guitar/Bass/Other +/- vocals  = Music = Head-bobbing --> Dancing --> Total Happiness

Bossa Nova Civic Club Brings Tropical Awesomeness to Bushwick

Bushwick, behold, for Bossa Nova Civic Club might change your perception of partying in this lovely part of Brooklyn

Awesome Valentine’s Shopping at Pop Up Markets in Bushwick and Beyond!

Is your heart throbbing, pounding, and making you hot and fuzzy even during a blizzard? Well, you might be in love

Rubulad in Bushwick this Weekend, Possibly for Good

As a longtime Rubulad fans, we were beyond ecstatic when we received a press release about their upcoming Valentine's Day Party, Love Unlimited! If you're unfamiliar, Rubulad is one of Brooklyn's best underground parties - so underground in fact that they don't have any official web presence! Their events bring people of all walks to life and all ages (well, 21+) to get together and experience top-notch entertainment


Last weekend the Brooklyn Funk Fest at the Paper Box lit up Bushwick

Dr Lisa: Working Hard Can Make You Sexier with Artist Angela Washko

As I pointed out last week, sex and partying are important, but to really have a healthy emotional life, working hard and being productive is a key ingredient

Top 5 Music Picks This Week


Bushwick Music Crush: Kool A.D. aka The Bay Man

From the East to the West, Kool A

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