
Kings County Saloon Opens Tomorrow Night

Summer ponderings: Now that Kings County is closed, where can I get a fishbowl full of alcohol and grazed with Swedish fish? Fear not, sweet-toothed alcoholics amongst you: Kings County SALOON opens tomorrow night, and they will be selling a big ol' bowl of booze-soaked candy fishes

Momo Sushi Shack is Throwing a Rooftop Dinner Party on Brooklyn Grange This Sunday

Everyone's favorite source of hand rolls in MorganVille is taking their sushi operation on the road

Mourn the Loss of Kings County With a Funeral Procession Tomorrow

Now that you've said your goodbyes to the Wreck Room, take a moment tomorrow at 9 PM to mourn the death of Kings County, and to celebrate the birth of Kings County Saloon

Bushwick Brews: Our One Year Anniversary at The Sampler

We are fast approaching the one year mark of Bushwick Brews!  It's hard to believe that one year ago I was shooting the shit with Maria Gotay (our lovely Music Editor) telling her in way to much detail the scoop about the beer I had brought in a growler to our rooftop BBQ

Artisanal Beer & Wine Block Party is Coming to Bushwick on July 26

If you're like us you probably can't get enough of all the goodies that Troutman Street establishments have to offer

Pasta Comes to Bushwick and You Want to Eat It, Now!

“Here the menu is...

Central Station: Roasting Pigs and Pouring Tequila Shots For Your Summery Pleasure

On one of the quieter corners in Bushwick, Central Station opened their doors a little over a month ago

$1 Oyster Happy Hour at Mominette: The Perfect Summer Afternoon!

Oysters -- the adorable little slime balls of the sea

Happy Birthday to Beer Gem, The Sampler. Get Ready for a Beer Bonanza This Weekend!

It's hard to believe that Bushwick's craft beer gem The Sampler opened one year ago this weekend

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