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Dystopian Action Thriller “Bushwick” Premieres at Sundance This Weekend

The movie featuring Brittany Snow and Dave Bautista is about Texas and most of the American South seceding from the United States.

Bushwick Takes a Turn as an Alternate Reality in the New Dystopian Thriller “Diverge”

In "Diverge," a desperate husband returns from the future to his past in present-day Bushwick to fix his life.

See Rent Rate Fluctuations by L Train Subway Stops (Then Scream & Move to Canarsie)

The shutdown is coming—and rent increases are stagnating, but not dropping.

Jennifer Aniston Stops by at Bushwick’s Roberta’s Pizza for Dinner

Perhaps you don't care because in Bushwick we get a lot of celebrity appearances as it is, Roberta's Pizza being responsible for a bunch of them, but we thought we'd mention anyway

Bushwick’s Wilson Ave L Stop is Open Again! Here’s What Got Fixed and Upgraded

Bushwick's Wilson Ave L train station went back into service this Tuesday after six weeks of repairs and renovations—and it cleans up nice

Person Struck at Montrose Ave Stops L Train Service Just Before Evening Rush Hour

L trains were not running between 8th Ave and Myrtle-Wyckoff Aves Tuesday evening after an individual was hit by a train at the Montrose Avenue stop in East Williamsburg

Dystopian Action Thriller “Bushwick” Filmed in Clinton Hill This Weekend

An action thriller that takes place during an apocalyptic scenario set in our home neighborhood shot on location in Clinton Hill this past weekend—which is the second occasion on which the production named for the neighborhood has filmed somewhere other than Bushwick

You’ll Never Stop Saying YES! See Photos from the NYE House of Yes Party

House of Yes officially opened its doors to Bushwick this past New Year’s Eve hosting the aptly titled, “The Beginning of Everything,” which may very well have been the most anticipated, magical and inspiring party of the night (if not the year)

A Well-Known Chain Hotel to Grow Off the Kosciusko J Stop at Bushwick-Bed Stuy Border

Perhaps you need a hotel room to finish your popular sex column while your hot boyfriend is (annoyingly) fixing up the floors in your apartment, and the hotel is where you may or may not hook up with your mean, hot ex (OK, you caught me--I was thinking of that Sex and the City episode)

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