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Top Music Ten Shows to Leave Your House For Even in Cold! (Psychic Pokemon Psych Fest, Workman Song, The Blow & more)

It's not necessarily the worst outside yet, but it's not fun

Best Cocktail to Get You F****d up on a Thursday Night

"The morning after the night before" measures time in a very interesting way

How to Enjoy Bushwick Film Festival Like an (Indie) Movie Star

Guys, cancel all your commitments, change the location of your dates, tell your mom you can't see her next weekend (sorry!) because this coming week (October 2-5) officially belongs to Bushwick Film Festival (BFF)! Huge celebration of domestic as well as international indie cinema is happening in your neighborhood, and you as a proper Bushbaby should not miss this!

Summer Seafaring: Get Your Sea Legs at Wayfarers’ Ocean-Themed Exhibition “The Whales of August”

It keeps eternal whisperings around     Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell     Gluts twice ten thousand Caverns, till the spell Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound

Bushwick Mixer: The Word from The Narrows

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Buying for A Tan: Seeking SXSW Style In Bushwick

This post is sponsored by Auh20 Thriftique, Mary Meyer, Chess & The Sphinx and Worship By Maria Gotay,...

6 HOT Art Shows For a COLD Weekend

Ok, so we know its cold

Bushwick Mixer: 5 Cocktails We Will Be Drinking in 2014

Everybody stresses the importance of doing something new in the new year, represented by our New Year's Resolutions

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