Real Estate

Bushwick’s Secret Vaudeville Past

Brooklyn has a rich, hidden theater history!

Two Affordable Housing Lotteries Are Now in Williamsburg

Deadlines are next week, hurry to apply!

Tenant’s Rights Spotlight: Can I Run a Business From My Apartment?

It's time to get to the bottom of what's in your lease.

A Former Bushwick Convent is Now an Affordable Housing Unit

Affordable housing continues to be a major issue across the boroughs.

Friday Fast Fact: Thirty-Nine New Buildings Went Up in Bushwick Last Year

Data from the Department of Buildings reveals which neighborhoods had the most residential development in 2018.

Why It’s Time to Finally Get Renter’s Insurance

Finally Cross Renter’s Insurance Off Your To-Do LIst and Protect Your Stuff for Just $5 a Month

New Beautiful Co-Living Building in Bushwick Promises a Community That Cares About Social Impact

You'll come for the message and stay for the amenities!

Bushwick is Home to Some of the Fastest Rising Rents in NYC

Everyone knows that Bushwick rents are on the rise, but here are some numbers to back it up.

Bushwick Real Estate: New Development Plans to Cast Long Shadows Over Bushwick

The number of places available for rent in Bushwick has skyrocketed over last year.

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