Music and Nightlife

Sunbathe in Music at Out in the Streets Festival at Onderdonk House This Weekend!

We hope you aren't tired of summer festivals yet because this one is also not to be missed! Last year, Out In the Streets included a stellar lineup with Turnip King, Wild Yaks, and Pictureplane and this weekend get ready for another awesome lineup of music with headliners including A Place to Bury Strangers, Body Language, Hunters, as well as Memphis' Cities Aviv! Bird Dog Productions, The Sky Report, and Supercrush Studio have teamed up to put on this festival at the Onderdonk house in Ridgewood for the second year, and promise us music, art and food! YES!

Neverending Summer Music: Top 10 Shows This Weekend

It may seem as though we are always making it look like there is endless music out there over the weekend, (which typically there is, we swear)

Hot Bands, Hot Days, Hot Music : Top 10 Shows This Weekend!

Yes, we know it's really hot out there--and oddly windy on certain recent nights! But, think back to the winter when we thought we would never sweat again

Chill Vibes Return to South Street Seaport This Saturday With 4Knots

Last summer, Bushwick Daily had a blast covering the 4Knots Festival, an event we deemed both “sweaty” and “awesome,” which is always a spectacular combo

Get in Your Fireworks and Great Music: Top Shows This Weekend

It's that time again! America's Birthday; another great reason to have outdoor shows, BBQ everything in sight and celebrate for the entire four days whether or not you have any patriotism in your bones

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