A Feminist Book and Sex Shop Opens Tonight in a Knickerbocker Ave Laundromat

A Feminist Book and Sex Shop Opens Tonight in a Knickerbocker Ave Laundromat
Signage for the Troll Hole outside of the Mermaid Laundromat on Knickerbocker. Courtesy of The Troll Hole.

This evening, Bushwick welcomes its first feminist, anti-gentrification book and sex shop in a centrally located laundromat right next to Maria Hernandez Park.

The unusual business, called Troll Hole, opens to the public tonight after months of planning and a fundraising campaign that raised hundreds of dollars in seed money for the project this past fall.

The shop, which is located in the Mermaid Laundromat at 226 Knickerbocker Avenue between Starr St. and Troutman St., will be open from 7 p.m.- 9 p.m., after which the public is invited to join the Troll Hole team in heading across the street to Three Diamond Door for an after party.

According to their website, proprietors Hayley Blatte, Justin Shock and Monica Yi started the project “as a joke or a dream, depending on how you look at it. There are plenty of ‘sex stores’ in New York City—ranging from sterile and bougie to cartoonish and gag gift laden. We want something different.” Among the items that will be for sale: glow in the dark lube, feminist zines, diva cups, kegel magnets, and dildos.

Many elements of the team’s business plan are intended to make the store an inclusive community space. A call for art put out by the shop notes that women of color and Brooklyn residents will be given preference, and the Facebook invitation to their opening party states that shop proceeds will go the victims of the DeKalb Ave fire and that the store is affiliated with local anti-gentrification project Mi Casa No Es Su Casa.

Stop by tonight!

The Troll Hole is located inside the Mermaid Laundromat, formerly La Blanquita Laundromat, at 226 Knickerbocker Avenue between Starr St and Troutman St, off of the Jefferson stop on the L or the Central stop on the M. Hours TBD. The telephone is 253.250.6578. Visit the shop’s website or indiegogo page and follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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