Images courtesy of Aaron Augenblick.

The proprietor of beloved Bushwick dive Cain’s Tavern, which closed last summer, has been keeping busy.

Aaron Augenblick, formerly of Cain’s, just launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise money for an R-rated cartoon he’s developed. It’s called “The Adventures of Drunky,” and when it’s done, it will be the first animated feature ever made in Brooklyn.

The titular character is voiced by Sam Rockwell. He’s a barfly whose life is ruined as a result of a cosmic bet between God and the Devil. Drunky travels “through Heaven and Hell to rescue the girl he loves and save the world.”

Aaron’s animation company, Augenblick Studios, has previously produced works like “Ugly Americans” and “Wonder Showzen“—in his words, “All the really screwed-up cartoons that kids aren’t allowed to watch.”

And “Drunky” will features some huge names: in addition to Rockwell, “Transparent’s” Jeffrey Tambor, Odd Future’s Tyler the Creator, Dave Attell, and Steve Coogan all have roles (Augenblick says they’re all friends now).

Images courtesy of Aaron Augenblick.

Much of the project has already been completed: They’ve finished the script, created concept art, and even recorded voices. Now they still have to storyboard and actually animate the thing. They’ve raised almost 30% of their goal in just 8 days, but they still need help. Donations start at $10 with a reward of a coloring book and go as high as $777,777 with a reward of being God’s neighbor (whatever that means). And a t-shirt.

Our favorite funding rewards? Getting cursed by Dave Attell for $15 or having lunch with Jeffrey Tambor for $3,000.