Try a Week of Bushwick’s Awesomest Health & Fitness Program For Free!

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Calling all Bushwickians emerging from their winter dens, gazing out at the pre-spring landscape. The worst winter in the history of forever is over, but are you still carrying the extra weight of a few too many visits to Troutman Street’s version of a combination Pizza Hut & Taco Bell, i.e. Union Pizza Works & The Rookery? Worry not, friends- because the tag team of “Fitness Wizard” John O’Mahoney and “Maverick Heath Coach” Lucy Chen have designed a fun and unique course to transform and sculpt your body. Their amazing 7-week program, called Liberation, starts April 14 at Green Fitness Studio in Bushwick, and they want to give you the chance to try out the first 3 classes on a free, non-commitment basis! So…duh, yeah…there’s no reason why you shouldn’t sign up! Check out their trailer to see the awesomeness that is Liberation.

As we wrote last month, you may want to sign up for Liberation when you feel like you need a change in your life. Maybe you want that beach body; maybe you want to improve your Standing Bow in yoga; maybe you want new friends who share your interest in fitness or maybe you simply want to get laid more often… Those are all legitimate reasons. One thing’s for sure though. Liberation is the ultimate Bushwick workout. From old school exercises using kettle bells, to new school concepts about holistic health, to the I-don’t-know-what crazy school element of your fitness instructor dressed in a superhero costume, Liberation is totally fun and totally effective. So sign up for John & Lucy’s one week, no commitment trial, and give Liberation a shot!


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