Welcome to Friday Foodstagram, where we round up some of the most appetizing looking insta’s from everyone’s favorite neighborhood establishments. Don’t have time to browse everyone’s instagram to figure out what you’re gonna stuff in your mouth this weekend? That’s the kind of time-saving shenanigans this round up can do for ya. Hashtag your photos #BushwickEatz to appear here next week!
#1 Pig Roast @ Central Station (84 Central Ave, @centralstationnyc)

Just cause you couldn’t swing a beach trip for the three day weekend doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to feast on smoked animal parts just as much as the next guy. Drop by Central Station, a cozy new addition to the Bushwick bar scene that’s still flying relatively under-the-radar, on Sunday afternoon, and you will be rewarded (in exchange for $30) with a pig roast and access to large quantities of beer.
#2 Courtship Cocktail @ Skytown (921 Broadway Ave, @skytownbk)
One of Skytown’s bartenders is competing in the Edible Manhattan’s Summer Cocktail contest, and you can vote for her here until August 31st. She’s up against some formidable competition, but she’s holding down pretty well in the race so far. Go lend your click-support to this awesome local bartender!
#3 Ethiopian Brunch @ Bunna (1084 Flushing Ave, @drinkbunna)

Holy shit yo what could possibly be included in an Ethiopian brunch?? There’s only way to find out. Go forth and brunch at Bunna Cafe this weekend, from 11 AM to 4 PM on Saturdays and Sundays. Plus, ever since they got their full liquor license a little while back, they’ve been rocking out some excellent cocktails, which is the only really important aspect of brunch anyway.
#4 Imperial Rolls @ Falansai (112 Harrison Place, @falansai)

Wrap these grease monkeys in lettuce and mint, dip them into that divine fish sauce, and you’ve got a succulent treat that will leave you clamoring for more. And besides, sometimes you need a little respite from the clamor and grime of the streets of Bushwick. You can always find that inside Falansai, with its aquamarine walls, gentle bossa nova tunes, and a banana plant standing sentry in the corner.
#5 Brunch @ Dillinger’s (146 Evergreen Ave, @dillingersnyc)
Just when you think you’ve exhausted every possible brunch option in the neighborhood, you remember that there’s a sweet little Russian cafe on Evergreen Ave that takes its weekend meals very seriously. Dillinger’s, which sports Babushka dolls with tommy guns on their business cards, is primarily a cafe, but they’ve got a serious kitchen downstairs, and they won’t fail to cure whatever hangover you’re coping with. Pictured above: salmon toast with poached eggs and farm cheese, oh my.