Say Goodbye to the Diviest of Bushwick Dive Bars; Wreck Room Is Closing After 9 Years

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Wreckroom (photo by Katarina Hybenova for Bushwick Daily)

We couldn’t believe it either…. What seemed like a staple at Bushwick bar scene, dive bar Wreck Room has announced that they are closing as of June 30, and this coming Saturday will be their last day.

One of the bartenders at Wreck Room, Troi Benjamin has publicly announced on his Facebook:

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“The same old Bushwick story,”  told us the bar manager, Tuck on the phone today confirming that indeed, Wreck Room is closing on Saturday. “Landlord, new lease, rent increase….” Tuck refused to tell us the specific numbers but told us that the owner was over it already. “After nine years….”

An employee whose name we didn’t catch on the phone mentioned also constant trouble with the maintenance of the place and the landlord.

Arancini Bros, the famed rice ball maker will be closing too.

Make sure to stop by at Wreck Room this week, have a drink or two, play some pool, hit on a stranger, and commemorate all glorious drunken times at this diviest of Bushwick dive bars. You shall be missed, Wreck Room.

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