Search results: communication

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Bushwick’s Community Education Council Empowers Children With Disabilities Through Art Contest

“This project is important because it is a reminder of how much is yet to be done in the movement for equal access opportunities and inclusion in all aspects of life for people with disabilities.”

Brooklyn Tenants and Community Groups Reach ‘Tentative Agreement’ Over Loft Law

The Loft Law Bill was first passed almost 40 years ago by the state legislature to regulate industrial buildings that were illegitimately converted into living spaces.

Co-Owner of the Iconic Silent Barn Launches New Platform to Help Bushwick DIY Spaces Survive

Community and DIY organizers that have joined the platform have seen an increase of 20 percent to 300 percent in their annual income.

Ask Niki: How Do I Have Better Sex with My Partner Who Is a Survivor of Sexual Violence?

Learn how to be a better sexual partner to someone with trauma.

Bushwick Artist Deletes All of Her Social Media for New Art Show in Tribeca

Alisa Alferova discovered well-being and muse in disconnecting from the digital world.

Rafael Espinal: the Bear and the Unicorn

Untangling the city councilman and public advocate candidate’s machine origins and green aspirations.

Bushwick Art Storage Gets $57 Million Bank Loan For Renovations

The $76 million renovation project at 105 Evergreen Avenue is making big moves.

Ask Niki: How do I Reject Someone Without Being a Dick?

Let them go, but with respect.

Which Brooklynites are Running for Public Advocate?

Here's the rundown of what you need to know about Brooklyn candidates before the February election.

Ask Niki: How Do I Know If I’ve Had an Orgasm?

Pleasure is complicated, but our Bedroom Coach Niki is here to walk you through it.

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