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Brooklyn Wildlife Summer Festival Kicks Off this Friday in Bushwick

Featuring more than 150 live performers, the festival celebrates diversity and inclusivity.

Wall Collapses in Bushwick Sewer, Injuring Construction Worker

An emergency scene at a construction site in Bushwick, just steps away from the massive sinkhole, on Evergreen Avenue and Decatur Street.

Bushwick Non-Profit Found a New Home to Create Opportunities for Local Youth of Color

Educated Little Monsters has found a permanent space for over 50 local students.

Unique Community Group in Ridgewood Offers Experimental Social Gatherings and Events

From research to poetry, from gardening to protests!

The Life of a Polyamorous Hasidic Swordfighter in Bushwick

He found his first couple of dates through Craigslist. David preferred to date non-Jews, because then he was only participating in one sin instead of two.

Blunderland: Meet the Artist Behind Bushwick’s Most Extravagant Cabaret and Variety Show

Blunderland is a seven-year running variety show full of shocks and surprises, and is now touring in London.

Local Afro-Latinx Comedian Creates Diverse Spaces in Comedy

Milly Tamarez is a feminist, activist, comedian and the co-creator of the “Diverse AF” comedy festival, and creator of “All Dick Is Trash.”

Ask Niki: How to Practice Self-Love on Valentine’s Day?

You don't need anyone getting you flowers this Valentine's Day.

10 Alternative Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day in Bushwick

Tired of heteronormative and boring Hallmark events? Then this list is for you.

Ask Niki: How do I Reject Someone Without Being a Dick?

Let them go, but with respect.

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