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Ready To Perform? Here’s a Round up of Open Mics in and Around Bushwick

Few things are better than meeting new friends who share similar interests with you.

Lab Tests Show Dangerous Levels of Lead Falling From Bushwick Subway Stations

Streets in Bushwick may be subject to dangerous lead exposure. Because of the quiet stripping of 2018 legislation by former governor Andrew Cuomo, the extent of the problem remains largely unknown. A Bushwick Daily investigation.

HBO Comes To Queens

A comedian finds his voice filming things in a Bushwick-adjacent neighborhood in Queens.

Three Days in January: Revisiting The Broadway Hostage Crisis of 1973

49 years ago today, four young men entered a sporting goods store for a robbery that would soon escalate into a fatal shootout and hostage situation. With a new documentary film on the subject scheduled to come out later this year, Bushwick Daily takes a look back at the event.

Conversations With Neighbors: Mitchell Borden, Co-founder of Ornithology Jazz Club

Mitchell Borden on societal expectations, jazz, cell phones, money, retirement, childhood and more.

Mientras La Ciudad de Nueva York Planea Prohibir Instalaciones de Gas en Casa, La Lucha Contra el Gasoducto del Norte de Brooklyn Continúa

La propuesta de ley para prohibir instalaciones de gas en edificios nuevos posiblemente sea aprobada esta semana, mientras residentes de Bushwick continúan su lucha contra el gasoducto que National Grid está construyendo a través del Norte de Brooklyn.

Mil Mundos en Común Quiere Traer Internet Gratuito a Bushwick

La organización sin fines de lucro Mil Mundos en Común ha lanzado “Conectando a Bushwick,” su primera recaudación de fondos para financiar la instalación de internet gratuito en hogares que lo necesiten.

Bodega Leaders Push Back Against Quick Grocery Delivery ‘Dark Stores’

Some are also calling on the city and the community to help them further develop their own delivery platform, My Bodega Online.

DorDor Gallery Closes Indefinitely, as Curator Transitions to Emerging Art-Centric Social Media Platform

After a year and a half, Bushwick’s DorDor art gallery closes its doors, as the co-owner of the space seeks new ways to accomplish her goals of democratizing access to the art market for up-and-coming artists.

Un Vecino Necesita Tu Ayuda Para Traer El Compostaje a Las Aceras De Bushwick

El servicio de compostaje en la acera se reanudó en Octubre de este año, pero solo en algunos barrios elegibles.

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