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Do You Have a Health Insurance?

No, seriously

Bushwick Peeps Going BIG Outside the Hood on Saturday

Do you sometimes suffer from Cabin Fever?? If so, you should hop on a train and check out how Bushwick creatives are taking their talents outside the hood this Saturday

Bushwick Daily High: Superlatives of #NOBSBOS

We all remember the joy (and sometimes dread) that came with high school yearbook superlatives

How Was Bushwick Art Crit Group, the BOS Preview Edition

This past March, Bushwick Art Crit Group had its inaugural meeting led by local artist and organizer Christopher Stout in the gallery of Brooklyn Fire Proof East

New Cultural Center is Growing on Meserole Street

“You always have to go bigger,” said artist and cultural entrepreneur Peter Hopkins, announcing his exciting plans to turn the empty warehouse at 299 Meserole St into a cultural center of the East Williamsburg and Bushwick area

Welcome to Bushwick’s Mental Gym: The Living Gallery

Have you ever had a chance to observe the difference between the weekend and Monday crowds at the gym? Every Monday we absolve the weekend's sins of alcohol and excessive debaucheries by rushing into the gym, replacing bloody marys with smoothies, and retrying that diet we started last Monday and quit on Friday

Bushwick Top 5 Art Events This Week: BYO Art, Dancers in Photographs & More!

While I am always waiting with bated breath for the weekend to awaken me from my weekly doldrums, I am especially antsy due to the upcoming deluge of amazing art openings happening in Bushwick this week and next! As with the first buds of spring popping up along Knickerbocker, many galleries lie in wait for the spring exhibition season to hit and they have brought the goods with them this time

Bookwick to Bring Bushwick Bookstores into Conversation

When Nyssa Frank, owner of the Living Gallery, noticed that Bushwick bookstores were cropping up like dandelions (Mellow Pages, Molasses, and Human Relations, to name a few) she began to wonder how best to bring these very different bookstores into conversation with one another

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