Some #FF Twitter Hipster Haiku Love

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If you have only one spot for some loving hipster snarkism in your Twitter heart, it better be reserved for Hipster Haiku…  Because, dear friends, Hipster Haiku is excellent!

“Haiku dispatches from the hipster world capitol. So: bikes, bars, books, boning, bands, beards, bipolars, being broke, bodegas, bedbugs, BBQs, hedonism, ART! Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC,” says the bio of the mysterious haiku master. The avatar suggests that Hipster Haiku a sexy, snarky female, but you know how it is on the Internet with gender and cat memes.. You can never be sure!

Hipster Haiku tweets a couple of funny and poignant haikus everyday, and fellow local Twitter users have been trying to figure our Haiku’s identity. As far as we know, without any luck! So let’s look at some really cool hipster haikus and the convos that followed, shall we?

The first one contemplates loft living/partying, which may entail some embracing coincidences. Oh, Hipster Haiku, is the universe trying to tell you something here?

…and one more roof-related tweet:

Hipster Haiku frequently addresses important issues that a young hipster has to face in the contemporary society. Like judaism and hipsters:

…or gentrification and European hipsters:

…or hipster feminism issues:

…or hipster gay love:

…hipsters and capitalism:

…oh, and my personal favorite with a funny reaction by Baroness of Bushwick:

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