Cops Say Creep Flashed Two Women on M train at Myrtle-Broadway


Robert Pozarycki


The latest subway creep to hit Brooklyn rode the M line last week and exposed himself to two female victims near the Myrtle Avenue-Broadway station, police reported.

According to authorities, the perpetrator flashed the women—ages 42 and 45—on board a Middle Village-bound M train as it pulled into the Myrtle Avenue-Broadway stop at 12:11 p.m. on Friday afternoon, June 16.

The victims would later report the indecent exposure to the 83rd Precinct and the NYPD Transit Bureau District 33.

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Photo courtesy of NYPD

On Monday, June 19, the NYPD released an image of the suspect, who is described as a 20-to-30 year old male with a beard who was last seen wearing a baseball cap, a gray t-shirt, shorts and white sneakers.

Anyone with information regarding the suspect’s whereabouts is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial 888-57-PISTA), visit their website or send a text message to 274637 (CRIMES), then enter TIP577. All calls and messages are kept confidential.

Featured image by Adam E. Moreira via Wikimedia Commons.

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