
January’s Bushwick Bohemia Beat Poetry is Here

Caro, a local musician, writer, and freelance audio technician brings you this month's poetry installment.

Ridgewood Reservoir Gets Protective Status After Years of Activism

Local environmentalists and advocates pushed for the site’s protection in a long and difficult battle.

Bushwick’s Councilman Espinal Packs Roberta’s for Campaign Fundraiser

Roberta's hosted an all-day fundraiser to raise $40,000 for Espinal to run for New York City Public Advocate.

Friday Fast Facts: The L Reigns as Most Reliable Weekday Train in NYC

MTA countdown clock data reveals the most (and least) reliable trains in the city.

Climb Like a Girl: Bushwick’s MetroRock Introduces Women Crush Wednesdays

The warm and welcoming team of MetroRock wants everyone to work out in an inclusive and supportive environment at a special discounted rate!

Friday Fast Fact: Bushwick Ranks in Top Five Precincts for Bike Crashes in Brooklyn

Williamsburg tops the list for most bike crashes in Brooklyn, but Bushwick isn't far behind.

An Indoor Soccer Space Comes to North Brooklyn

It's just off the Broadway Junction stop.

Friday Fast Fact: Almost 300 Cases Filed Were Filed Against Bushwick Landlords in 2018

Here's a roundup of the housing cases brought against Bushwick landlords this past year.

Carmen Corchado: A Bushwick Native & Fighter Heads To the Garden Tonight

Carmen grew up on Knickerbocker Avenue in Bushwick and is heading to Madison Square Garden tonight for a championship belt among some of the highest ranked Muay Thai Kickboxing champions in the world.

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