Famed Pokémon Trainer Ivy St. Ive Will Host a Pokémon Party at Bushwick’s Father Knows Best Friday

While it’s still hot, Christopher Taha and partner Colleen Makary of Bushwick bar, cafe and eatery Father Knows Best have curated the most relevant event to hit the neighborhood this summer: a Pokémon Go Party hosted by famed PG trainer Ivy St. Ive!

This Friday, July 29th, fire up that app and head over to the Wilson Avenue cafe for a party that will go from 9 p.m. 2 a.m. and will feature mingling with other Pokémon enthusiasts, a set by The Angels and a free beer and shot combo for attendees who arrive in costume.

Hopefully, there will be some special pokémon guests as well—there’s a pokéstop that’s accessible from the back yard of Father Knows Best and two different pokémon gyms a few blocks away, and Taha and Makary plan to drop some lures around the premises.

The Pokémon movies will also be projected on a big screen throughout—and a photographer from Japanese magazine HEAPS will be on hand to shoot the costumed crowd.

Taha and Makary, both Pokémon players since way back, have been riding the nostalgia train ever since the cult followed game remarketed itself, and they tell Bushwick Daily that they are “super stoked that kids and adults are getting off their butts, having fun, and being active.”

potential legal backlash forced St. Ive to delete a Craigslist post advertising her $20 an hour for hire Pokémon Go services, so officially she’ll just be attending to meet and hang out with fans—though she may have some insights to share about how up one’s Pokégame, if you ask nicely.

The event will be a great opportunity for lovers of Pokémon to meet IRL in an informal context, so RSVP here, and go catch ’em all while chilling hard!

Official Pokémon Party Flyer


Father Knows Best

Cool cafe by day & cozy bar by night serving food and drinks, alcoholic and non, at a decent price.

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Open Monday through Sunday from 8AM-2AM


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