…because there is never enough art! For those of you my dear artsy Bushwick butterflies, who cannot wait in one place until the huge Bushwick art magnificence kicks off with the 8th annual Bushwick Open Studios this Friday (that will be bigger and better than anything you ever imagined), there is WagMag Benefit tonight!
Everybody well-acquainted with the Brooklyn gallery scene knows that WagMag is the essential guide that lists art openings and exhibitions all around the borough. You can pick up a monthly issue at any good gallery, and God knows that us at Bushwick Daily we love these folks dearly. And of course, WagMag has its roots in Williamsburg and Bushwick! It was founded in 2001 by Daniel Aycock from Front Room Gallery and Jill McDermid from Grace Exhibition Space. As a labor of love, running WagMag is a largely non-profit operation. So support these folks by buying a ticket with or without art work ($20 and $200-250 respectively) and see you at Galapagos Art Space tonight!
2014 WAGMAG BENEFIT TONIGHT!! Tuesday May 27th from 7pm at Kunsthalle Galapagos, 16 Main St, Dumbo Brooklyn.