Holiday cheer is culminating! Just last night at The Rookery, a big party and some bourbon eggnog went down at Bushwick Daily’s holiday slash 3rd birthday party. Today you can lay your hungover eyes on a brand new Holiday Spirit collective piece right across the street at The Bushwick Collective at 420 Troutman St.
Joe Ficalora, the curator of The Bushwick Collective walls, texted us earlier in the week to let us know that he had invited 10 to 15 street artists to participate in what is becoming a holiday tradition on Troutman St. – painting a holiday mural!
When we arrived Intro, Cee 1, Zimmer, Zimad, Sexer, Sony and Damien Mitchell were all happily painting, chatting with passersby and soaking in the sunny weather. We even caught Martha Cooper, a famous street art photographer and photojournalist taking photos and enjoying the day. We wanted to ask her for an opinion on The Bushwick Collective but this lady was too busy Instagramming everything, and that’s an addiction we completely understand. So let’s take a look at the holiday atmosphere of The Bushwick Collective in pictures, shall we?
The lovely, lovely afternoon was perfect for a collaborative Holiday Spirit mural.

Passersby are always curious about what’s cookin’.

Here, Joe Ficalora himself, talking about a mural by stencil pioneer, Blek Le Rat, on the next wall.

A view from the road.

Spray paint is your best friend…