Bushwick On Its Grind: You’re Invited on a Local Coffee Roastery Tour

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Roasting equipment is proudly displayed at Supercrown.

Brooklyn’s coffee scene is crowded, and every corner coffeeshop wants to serve up local beans roasted in our borough. That’s why Lanny Huang of City of Saints Coffee is launching a kind of self-guided tour for those of us who are interested in seeing the action at five local roasteries–  Devoción, City of Saints, Sweetleaf, Supercrown, and Variety.

On June 14th, booklets will be available in each of these locations for coffee enthusiasts to pick up and start exploring the exciting, complex world of coffee. Each visit will get you a stamp, and getting all five stamps will get you a free drink.

Additionally, the Brooklyn Roastery Tour will run an Instagram contest for participants who use the hashtag #BKNRoasts with a photo from each of the five locations. Three winners will be selected (one a month through September) for a prize package including coffee (duh!), merchandise, and private events.

Mr. Huang adds that “the Brooklyn Roastery Tour sets itself apart by including only those unique roasteries that keep an open kitchen, so to speak, where coffee production sits in plain sight.” Walk into any one of these shops and catch impressive glimpses of some of the steps leading up to your morning cup of joe.

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