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This Ridgewood Restaurant Does Affordable Burgers and American Fare With Class

It's called Ltauha, and it's the owner’s mom’s last name spelled backwards.

Enjoy Some Mead and Knockerball at the New Amsterdam Festival in Ridgewood This Weekend

You don't need wooden shoes to enjoy this fun fest!

Silent Barn Supporters Are Giving the Space the “Last Rites” at a Farewell Event on Sunday

At 7 p.m. "family and friends" of Silent Barn will gather for one last show at the DIY venue on Bushwick Avenue.

Elsewhere Is Opening a New Venue and Bar Called The Rooftop

Coming at you on Memorial Day weekend!

The Brooklyn Mirage, a Massive Outdoor Venue in East Williamsburg, Reopens Next Month

Grab a glow stick, because there's techno coming your way.

Here’s What I Learned About the L Train Shutdown on My First-Ever Bike Commute to Work

I rode a bike to work for the first time to see if you should ride a bike to work.

A New Building on Troutman Street Will Soon Sprout up in an Empty Lot

Developers are really squeezing these things in.

Facebook Take Over: Jen Hitchings

I bet you guys notice the awesome art we have this week on our Facebook cover

Photographer Enrico Brunetti takes over our Facebook cover

In the mist of hurricane Sandy and all the damage it has caused, we put our Facebook Cover Take Over submission competition temporarily on hold

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