Search results: art shows

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Five Bushwick Art Shows that Will Get You Wanderin’

I know we are all fed up with the endless L train delays and stoppages, and even more sick of hearing about it

Turn and Face the Strange: 6 Art Shows for the Changin’ Season

This weekend, the September Equinox is upon us, shifting the seasons and bringing us into a new autumn season

Art Is BACK! 10 Bushwick Art Shows to Defeat “Summer Nihilism”

Now is the winter of our discontent

6 Innovative Art Shows to Take you Back to the Future!

Great Scott! This week welcomes a slew of incredible exhibitions reaching across the Bushwick

Not the Hamptons: Bushwick Art Shows This Weekend

By Allison Galgiani & Katarina Hybenova

6 Art Shows that Blur the Lines Between Art…and Everything Else

Historically, there has been a distinct separation between media and genres of art - the beaux arts tradition imported from the Grande Academie of Paris, from which American art institutions were derived, maintained clear boundaries between the plastic, performing, and literary arts - whoa, I'll stop there before I go off on an art historical tangent! While these boundaries have been questioned, challenged and straight up abolished during multiple decades and artistic movements, no better example of the line being blurred could be found than in Bushwick’s art events this week

Don’t Spring Clean! ART! (4 Bushwick Art Shows Not to Be Missed)

Put down the mop and windex, don't even think about tackling your closet!  While spring days may mean a change over from winter to summer wardrobe transformations for some, to me all it means is longer daylight hours to explore more of Bushwick's art!  The season for MFA shows, open studios (only six weekends away from Bushwick Open Studios!), and thematic group shows is upon us, meaning more to see, not just in Bushwick but all over the city

Oh Boy! These 7 Art Shows Will Get You Stoked!

The art scene in Bushwick is as unique and diverse as its residents

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