6 Art Shows that Blur the Lines Between Art…and Everything Else

Honore Daumier, Paris. – Exposition Des Beaux-Arts, 1869

Historically, there has been a distinct separation between media and genres of art – the beaux arts tradition imported from the Grande Academie of Paris, from which American art institutions were derived, maintained clear boundaries between the plastic, performing, and literary arts – whoa, I’ll stop there before I go off on an art historical tangent! While these boundaries have been questioned, challenged and straight up abolished during multiple decades and artistic movements, no better example of the line being blurred could be found than in Bushwick’s art events this week. Maybe there’s something in the bright summer breeze that has inspired our artistic venues and galleries to branch out, cross boundaries and challenge the typical perspectives on these traditions, but it is clear that all these week’s top art picks are all about categorical transgression and presenting work that defies strict definition.

David Shull Presents: The Report at Secret Project Robot (courtesy of Secret Project Robot)

#1 David Shull Presents: The Report: Information Worship and Where has Gone the body @ Secret Project Robot (Thurs 6-9PM)

Always proponents of “living art,” Secret Project Robot’s most recent endeavor showcases the work of David Shull, an artist/musician who constantly challenges perceptions of “regular” reality, as he puts it. As part of a month-long series in June, Shull will present a set of curated, acoustically based performances that follow a similar vein to his own work by offering alternate realities that are based out of re-imagined histories, which in turn create a completely different concept of the future.


TRAVIS BOYER & HAYDEN DUNHAM: Surprise Inspection (courtesy of Jackie Klempay)

 #2 Travis Boyer & Hayden Dunham: Surprise Inspection @ Jackie Klempay, 81 Central Ave, #1A (Sat 7-10PM)

The space formerly called Spare Room Project debuts under its new name, Jackie Klempay, this Saturday. The show, Surprise Inspection, investigates the personal through the two artists’ processes and direct contact to their materials, allowing the viewer to directly confront the objects head on. Both artists manipulate their photographically based cyanotypes while working with unexpected materials like fabric, shoelaces and even concrete.


# 3 North of My Brain, South of My Ass @ Studio 10 (Fri 7-9PM)

Two of the most integral articles of clothing that cover our vertical extremities are the stars of this group exhibition. Clearly denoted by its title, the exhibition will focus on hats and shoes as imagined by the artists John BjerklieSteven BrowerNancy Davidson, Greg Drasler, Matt Freedman, Brian Gaman, Jennie Nichols, Niki Singleton, Jude Tallichet, Summer Wheat and Moira Williams. Examining the mythology, iconography and even psychology of the iconic accessories, each artist also brings their own experiences and ideas, offering their own take on a once banal object and simultaneously forcing them into an unlikely means of expression.


#4 Notorious @ Theodore: Art (Sun 4-7PM)

A group show featuring artists Brian Dupont, Richard Hamilton, Marie Harnett, Damien Hirst, Scooter LaForge, Corinna Spencer, John Squire, and Neil Winokur aims to deconstruct the idolatry of celebrity through various media and techniques. The multi-generational group of artists offers a cross-section of a theme that may not be unexplored, but has proven to be a large inspiration to a multitude of artists since Modernism.


Modular Synthesizer Equinox Solstice (photo courtesy of Cheyenne Sophia for Bushwick Daily)

 #5 Modular Synthesizer Solstice @ Silent Barn (Sat 6:30PM)

Through various electronic platforms, ESP TV and LDP Institutes present an array of experimental sound and video, resulting in a delightful mélange of audio stimulation. The event is an ongoing series of solstice events that coincide with the changing seasons. The last event we covered presented musicians and artists that pushed experimental sound and video with sets going late into the night. What better way to celebrate the beginning of summer than with synthesizers, modulated sound and video manipulation?


INK+IMAGE (courtesy of OUTLET Fine Art)

 #6 INK+IMAGE @ OUTLET Fine Art (Sat 7PM)

Presented in collaboration with The Center for Fiction, Saturday’s event will showcase the work of six artists from INK+IMAGE as well as serve as a launch party for the new print issues of their publication The Litererian. The event will combine literary and visual art, which the publication celebrates. Through the use of language, both visual and written, the artists explore the range of human emotion cultivated in relationships with others and ourselves. With and without written explanation, viewers will have the opportunity to view the artists’ works without the magazine’s context. The show simultaneously embraces the importance of bridging this gap between different – yet equally viable and necessary – methods of communication.

Check out more art openings and events in our Events Calendar, and add your own events to be featured in Bushwick Daily or get on our mailing list not to miss a single cool event in the area. 

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