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Bushwick Newsy Round Up: Post-Holidays Edition

So while you were Xmas-ing, Kwanza-ing, and bitching about Hannukah being over way too early this year, all this happened in Bushwick

Top 10 Most Read Stories on Bushwick Daily in 2013

2013 was an exciting year! Firstly, we survived the alleged Mayan Apocalypse with the inevitable end of the world attached to it in late December 2012

Paul Rome’s Intense Debut Novel Is Cringeworthingly Good

Okay, let's be real: Bushwick Daily has officially been crushing on Paul Rome for years now

In Case You Missed It: Ferguson Explained It All in Bushwick

If you didn’t make it to Pine Box Rock Shop's last installation of Late Night Basement with Chris Rose, you missed out

Bushwick Real Estate #TwitterWars: Fake Castle Braid Account Antagonizes Neighbors

Whether you love it or you hate it, Castle Braid, the controversial luxury rental development on Troutman Street that markets itself to the creative set, is a perennial topic of interest in conversations about Bushwick real estate: most recently, it was name-dropped in the New York Times' profile of former meatpacking restauranteur Florent Morellet the week before last

Bushwick Gets Its Own Shutdown: 3rd Ward Abruptly Closes

This afternoon Bushwick Daily was surprised to see the Observer and Gothamist reporting that East Williamsburg maker's hub 3rd Ward appears to have abruptly closed shop on its members

Lorimoto Gallery Shows us the Beauty in Bushwick-Ridgewood Breakdown

Lorimoto's Front Line exhibition gives new meaning to the idea of "border politics

How Will the Government Shutdown Affect Bushwick

The government's budget deadline has passed, the Senate and the House were not able to agree on a spending bill because of last-ditch attempts by critics of the Affordable Care Act in the House who voted to defund the program, and the United States is going into federal government shutdown starting this morning

Beloved Tamale Lady Is Back in Action at a South Bushwick Street

Recently, this Bushwick Daily tipster saw something tremendously exciting a few blocks from home: one of our all-time favorite street vendors, Tamale Lady is back with her signature tamales and arroz con leche after she was off the sidewalks for the past three seasons

Celebration! We Have 3 New Editors at Bushwick Daily

Gif source: Photobucket

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