Search results: new bars

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Top Shows: Make Music New York Edition {in Bushwick}

The sun is out and you should be too this Saturday, June 21st, for an amazing FREE one-day festival called Make Music New York

The Johnson’s: Collective Review (Kinda) of a New Bushwick Bar

Your last name doesn't have to be Johnson in order to feel welcomed at this new Bushwick bar

1 Trillion New Bushwick Places to Ingest Nutrients Opened in 2013

As the neighborhood swells, flush with deliciousness and boozy evenings, decisions about where to eat and drink have gotten exponentially more challenging

Dr. Lisa: Decoding 2 Sexy Bushwick Bars

At the risk of beating a dead horse here, I thought it would be fun and interesting to do a follow-up to the awesome story my colleagues did on five places to get laid in Bushwick

Drink & Ride: 5 Bars by the Myrtle Ave JMZ Stop

A little further out and a quick hop to the JMZ line, and the available nightlife starts to expand beyond the typical Brooklyn dive bars

Drink & Ride: 3 Bars by the Dekalb L Train Stop

Now that we’re a bit deeper into Bushwick, it takes a little more work (and a little more walking) to reach great bars

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