Reading List: Judge Judy Says ‘Yolo’, An adorable panda, Brooklyn Night Bazaar


Guy Fieri’s new restaurant: It opened, and it’s awful…well, according to NY Times’ food critic Peter Wells. For those who haven’t read the complete story, Wells went to Guy’s American Kitchen and was so inspired… er… perplexed by the edibles, that he drummed up an essay of rhetorical questions ranging from “Guy Fieri, have you eaten at your new restaurant in Times Square?” to “Hey, did you try that blue drink, the one that glows like nuclear waste? The watermelon margarita? Any idea why it tastes like some combination of radiator fluid and formaldehyde?”. Wells’ candor is anything but flattering and definitely provokes some cheap laughs at Fieri (because, well, why not?), but conversely makes me think “It can’t be that bad… can it?” Looks like we’re going to Flavortown. [NY Times]

Channing Tatum is still good-looking. And people still care… No, seriously… People still care…they’re the ones that came up with this whole concept. From pure speculation and intelligent deductive reasoning, top contenders were probably Ryan Gosling, Ben Affleck, and an obvious DJ Qualls. Unfamiliar with Tatum’s work? You probably have friends and fun and books, but also should check out Step Up and, the how-could-it-get-any-better-than-Step-Up Step Up 2: The Streets, which features Tatum DANCING EVEN HARDER. IN THE STREETS. [People]


Judge Judy says “YOLO” completely out of context and hopefully kills that acronym. Or appropriates a new catch-phrase for herself out of a dying, wholly annoying trend. Either/or is OK really. How does it get better? Well, this video is part of a series sponsored by that encourages users to tell Katie “What’s Your YOLO?”, and if Judy is any indication of guests, there should be more outdated TV personalities to come… what’s up Ricki Lake?! [Youtube]


An awesomely-adorable panda finally has a name! Little Xiao Liwu was born 100 days ago, and because it did the remarkable and… stayed alive… it was given a name! Miranda The Panda was probably a close runner up in the naming process, but due to culturally sensitive gender restrictions on panda bear names, it was turned down. [Gothamist]


Brooklyn’s Best Late Night Happy Hours are sure to keep you drinking late into the early morning… or early into the late morning… or just for a really, really long time. From a bowling alley, to fried pickles, to DJ’d joints serving up $4 margaritas – this list has ’em all. [Brokelyn]


Coming Soon: Brooklyn Night Bazaar with vendors, music, food & drinks! Starting Nov. 23 and running through Dec. 22, this inside-of-a-warehouse mega-popup is a convergence of art, food, independent vendors, and music – featuring a stage that’ll be rotating out bands and DJs like Pictureplane and Kyp Malone (the dude from TV On The Radio!)! [Brooklyn Bazaar]


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