Today is the International Day of Giving Back! The initiative No Impact has partnered up with The Green Streets Initiative to organize the the first Walk/Ride day in NYC. The idea of the project is to encourage New Yorkers to use green methods of transportation such as bikes, walking, public transit, but also unicycles, carpooling, skateboarding, etc. Good news that the Walk/Ride day in NYC has teamed up with local businesses who will provide sweet deals for those who participate and wear green.
You can find the list of businesses who pledged to provide deals here. In Bushwick, it is cafe Little Skips. So don’t forget to wear green when you are getting your coffee today.
What: Walk/Ride Day
When: All day November 18th, 2011, 7 pm-Meet-up.
Where: The streets/subways/buses of NYC, 7 pm @ Luca Bar: 119 Saint Marks Pl # 2, New
York, NY 10009. Businesses will be providing discounts!
Who: The No Impact Project and the Green Streets Initiative.