Check out This Mobile, Solar Coffee Rig Dreamed Up by a Bushwick Couple

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Kin Coffee uses unbleached filters and a local roaster and composts on site. All Photos Courtesy of Kin Coffee.

A local couple have hatched a plan to transform the neighborhood’s exceptional coffee shop experience into a moveable feast.

Tabi and Mike of KIN COFFEE purchased a 1974 Scotty Serro vintage camper in the hopes of turning it into a solar-powered mobile coffee shop to bring good coffee to catered events, from parties to film shoots.

Mike is a veteran barista who has served joe at NYC coffee hotspots Hungry Ghost, Ninth Street Espresso, and Crop 2 Cup. Tabi is a stylist fed up with the coffee options available on photo sets.

Fully committed to a low-waste and local model, the pair have partnered with Eastlick Coffee Company for their beans, Mountain Valley Springs for their water, and Straus Family Farms for their dairy. Both the cart and the camper run on solar energy and will feature on-site composting to combat the heavy carbon footprint of traditional catering.

The exterior of the converted camper

Their pourover coffee cart is already fully operational, though the duo is still working on their espresso buildout. The money raised from the Indiegogo campaign will help the couple purchase machinery for tasty ‘spro drinks and supplies to complete the renovation of the camper with an anticipated summer 2016 completion. They are 14 days away from the end of their campaign, and are 16% funded by 33 backers; they lay out their plan in great detail on their page.

Keep an eye out for these guys on the streets of Bushwick–and remember them if you ever find yourself in need of a compact caffeination operation at a remote location!

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