Bushwick Reader

Stay on top of what’s being written about Bushwick and what’s going around town. We read everything for you and choose the most important stuff.

*** I’m very sad to have to start this week’s Bushwick Reader with news that 29-year old Erica Abbot from Bushwick died riding her bike. Daily News informs that she was riding southbound on Bushwick Ave. and rode through a construction site near Powers St., when suddenly lost her balance near a pile of loose wood on the street after a car horn honked and she turned her head, fell toward traffic, and was run over by a car. Erica was wearing helmet 🙁 Guys, please be careful when riding a bike, and if you drive a car, please keep in mind that cyclists are also a part of the traffic (a very vulnerable part)… ***

*** This week, we have only two art shows in Bushwick (please forgive me if you’re having a pop up art show in your hall way, but you probably didn’t let me know ;-), one of them being  The Joe Bonham Project curated by art writer James Panero, who loves Bushwick to death, and so we love him back. On Thursday night head to Storefront.

*** Last week was quite a busy one. We had an earthquake and a hurricane. ***

*** Brace yourself before the upcoming week in Bushwick, because we will be witnessing at least one million galleries having openings, Momenta Art for example will have their  1st Bushwick show (not counting a brief encounter during Bushwick Open Studios ’11) ***

*** Gothamist writes that Bushwick is getting a new adorable pancake place 😉 Yes, Bushwick’s very own IHOP! Gothamists is also expecting at least 2 stars from NY Times soon, just like Roberta’s got. I say, bring on the pancakes 😀 ***

*** And let’s say good bye for the day with a puke, shall we? Hyperallergic spotted the new campaign of Ralph Lauren Denin & Supply, which is using Brooklyn artists as a brand. Well, using artists as a brand is pretty bad itself, and in addition these guys are really bad at it. Hyperallergic writes: …this feels almost like a Saturday Night Live skit of the Brooklyn fantasy that replaces real people and artists with models doing “artsy” things like playing piano, sketching in notebooks and doing card tricks… If you really want to throw up, look at this video they made setting it into ‘a typical Brooklyn warehouse’, because it is very very cool ‘to say whatever, and whatever doesn’t get done today will get done tomorrow.’ I’m sure that every Bushwick artists who has a day job, and makes art at night, can relate to Marie from Paris, who likes to do nothing because it’s making her happy. Ok, folks, I gotta run to throw up…. ***


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