Because Bushwick is Pro Boobs: Boobs of Bushwick is Throwing a Party on March 3 [NSFW]


Two summers ago, Kate Chiplinsky decided to stop wearing a bra after her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. “Bra is not that great for you actually,” she told us and even though science doesn’t seem to back this claim up (but then again they once said that smoking was healthy, too) she’s started something..

The story of a suddenly freed pair of Bushwick boobs went on: “It was so hot, and my boobs were just hanging…” said Bushwick resident, music publicist and a bartender at The Rookery and Alphaville. As it is (theoretically) legal to go topless in New York, Kate started to document flashing boobs of men and women all over Bushwick and post the pictures on her Tumblr called Boobs of Bushwick.

Kate took 90% of the boobie pictures on her blog herself but she says that her friends or even complete strangers send her the photos as well because they want to be on Boobs of Bushwick. “I always respect privacy, and if you feel like taking your top off but you don’t want your face to be on the picture, that’s cool,” told us Kate.

Boobs of Bushwick is not meant to be a sexy blog. It’s meant to be a fun thing above all, as Kate explained to us: “It’s really funny to see someone flashing their breast in a bar!”

And since her blog has been getting pretty great responses, Kate decided to throw their first annual party on March 3 at The Rookery.

“Going topless is not encouraged nor discouraged,” told us Kate but there will be a photo booth and we simply can’t imagine how else could that go.

DJ Prince Terrence who has been gaining some traction in the city will spin at the party making sure your boobies will sway in a pleasant rhythm;  and Nate Igor Smith who does Driven By Boredom blog will appear as a special guest. Speaking of Nate, he photographed at least 14 boobs two nights ago in random Bushwick bars just to promote the Boobs Party. Take a look:


The admission is free and Braven, the Bushwick brewery has generously sponsored the party with a keg of beer. There is a talk of some sponsored bourbon as well.

“Some people think it’s weird; some people think it’s attention-seeking but I really think it’s just funny,” concluded Kate, and we agree. Come smile at some nipples on March 3, 2015 at The Rookery, 452 Troutman St, Bushwick.

Some photos from the Boobs of Bushwick blog:

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