Well, looks like even Madonna moving into the neighborhood can’t even make the Bushwick trains run normal – and if The Madgesty can’t then who can? (If you don’t know I am kidding than you are a bit late to the game. Kidding about Madonna that is, not the trains. They unfortunately still suck). And not to mention the trains are freaking creatures of habit because the service changes always are the saaaame (with a few exceptions) – 0% creative and 100% a total pain.
Here, pick your poison:
M Train:
M trains will run approximately every 20 minutes, 4AM Sat through 10PM Sun, until April 29 (okay, M, as if you not going past Myrtle-Broadway on the weekends isn’t annoying enough. And why every 20 minutes? Are you taking the scenic route? Are you building the tracks as you roll down them? I got questions dammit!)
J Train:
*J is like “I gotta make up for all those times I was the ‘reliable one’.” –
Weekends 3:45AM Sat through 10PM Sun, Jamaica-center bound trains run express from Marcy Av to Broadway Junction. (Translation: J will be feeling anti-station, much like anti-social, next week)
*I have nothing really to say about the L train because I don’t really expect anything more from it.
Check mta.info for any last minute changes (because the MTA likes to keep us on our toes) and, as always, HAPPY RIDING!