The MTA Continues to Go Wireless: “Can You Hear Me Now? Good!”

Hello there again! Didn’t think you would be seeing me twice in one day did you? Well, I want to share some pretty cool news that I just could not wait until next week to tell you. According to WNYC, Verizon wireless customers can now get cellphone reception in 35+ of NYC’s underground subway stations (including Bryant Park and Lincoln Center). This means no more holding your breath and crossing your fingers that that ‘important’ text message will send while waiting light years for the train at the 14th St L station. Apparently, more service in stations are trickling in, so if you notice any service luck in any of the Brooklyn (cough Essex St. M/J cough) stations let us know! If you would like to see if your station has been made wireless, NYCSubwayWireless  gives you a comprehensive overlook of which stations are covered. Now if only the MTA can find a way to make the M train run full service on weekends…

If you care to read more about the MTA going wireless, you can read up more on here. Happy riding!

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