Aputumpu Takes Over Deliquency

By Maria Gotay


Last Saturday, aka the  Bushwick day to end all Bushwick days (Bushwick Immersion Day, Roberta’s Block Party), Deliquency also partied hard, hosting an awesome line-up of bands curated by Aputumpu, BirdDog Promo, and The Dust Engineers . Though the venue is brand spanking new and not officially open for business, they are hosting occasional BYOB shows, including one upcoming awesome lineup with Starlight Girls and Tiny Victories (both bands we love, and have posted about) on August 24th.


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We’ve all heard of BirdDog, who throw the raddest parties in Bushwick, but what is Apumptu, you ask? According to their website, the organization “Is a new archive that tracks and profiles rising bands in Brooklyn and beyond. The Aputumpu blog/events/showcases/festivals will feature and celebrate the work of rising bands who are on the verge of greatness.” Pretty apt description; their website acts as a straightforward blog and music shoveler, bringing hot new bands based in Brooklyn and beyond to the surface of the sometimes unreadable, overhyped music-blog scene.  They host occasional showcases around the city and  at venues like Shea Stadium Bushwick. They also did a very impressive 5-day festival in March spanning across different venues, featuring the likes of band Japanther, Radical Dads, and the So So Glos. Awesome! Founder Osekre (below) was onhand and very enthusiastic.


This Aputumpu was a Breakout Session and featured an all day slew of awesome under-the-radar bands, featuring Grand Rapids, The Yellow Dogs, Dust Engineers,Lost Boy?, Murals, Roadside Graves, Bambara, Gunfight!, Osekre & The Lucky Bastards, Red Bedlam. And Delinquency hosted it all in great style, proving to be just as special a space as we thought it would be. It was absolutely packed, full of happy and friendly people, cohabitating happily with great music and the good energy of the space.

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We’ll catch you at Aputumpu’s next showcase at Cheap Storage in Bushwick August 25th with an open bar. We’ll keep you posted with details!

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