Friday First: “Horse” from Walking Shapes

This week’s Friday First features Brooklyn band Walking Shapes who just came out with a new video this week for their powerhouse single, “Horse.” Friday First is a weekly column premiering brand spanking new releases from local and national bands.

“Horse” is a song long-deservant of a great video- the song’s been haunting us since Walking Shapes played Bushwick Daily’s Holy Smokes Festival in September. The metaphor of the song’s lyrics, which chant “ride your horse / to a better land,” are clearly carried out in visual form in this video, which parallels horseback riding to escaping into your imagination. Topics span book burning, the child’s mind, native cultures, violence, and ethics, featuring a cast of all-children badasses. “The video is about the dichotomy of the world, and politics, squashed into a playground setting,” explains Jesse of Walking Shapes. The video was directly by Eamon O’Rourke. Learn more about the video, including a behind the scenes, here!

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