New Japanese Restaurant, Ajihei, Will Open Soon on Knickerbocker Avenue

Magdalena Waz


Fans of Japanese cuisine from sushi to ramen will have yet another option to satisfy their cravings when Ajihei opens on Knickerbocker Avenue between Melrose and George Streets.

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Over the past two weeks, the restaurant, which has a location in Princeton New Jersey a world away, has been offering a limited tasting menu featuring classic appetizers and sushi donburi. Notable is the addition of takoyaki, an appetizer missing in Bushwick since Okiway closed its doors unceremoniously. 

The Princeton location also features bento boxes for lunch and ramen. Fingers crossed that this is the direction the menu takes as the soft opening turns into a full-blown one in the coming days.

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The New York Times first reported on Ajihei’s possible expansion into Bushwick in July of 2016, and nearly one year later the dream appears to have been realized. 

We reached out to the owner and chef, Koji Kitamura, for details about the opening date and menu. We will update this article when we hear back.

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