Find Art & Design Inspiration at Cache, Bushwick’s Home Decor

Jacque Medina


This past December, Anthony Hernandez and Temy De La Torre opened their first business together, Cache Bushwick’s Home Decor, a design shop which melds art, high fashion, and intricate architecture.

Upon first glance, Cache can only be described as an interior designer’s nirvana—a jade oasis on Wilson Avenue. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the gorgeous green statement wall, covered in beautiful, ornate sconces and figurines. This is Cache’s unique niche. 

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Hernandez has worked for years in building restoration and architecture. He creates original molds and plaster casts of statement pieces he gets from the mansions and buildings he works to restore. Often, Anthony is given just a sample item or a picture to build his inspiration. 

De La Torre, Cache’s business liaison and style aficionado, explained the process: “Usually architects give us a blueprint, and from that [Anthony] makes the mold with clay, and from that he makes the cast. Nowadays everyone has 3D printers; Anthony does it by hand from scratch.”

De La Torre turns to style inspiration from “The Big Book of Chic,” the mid-century mantle featured here is also featured in the shop on Wilson Avenue.

I still cannot begin to understand the kind of talent and visualization that goes into creating these intricate molds and sculptures, but like all great works of art, an original Cache piece can take anywhere from four days to a a few weeks to complete. Everything in the shop (with a few exceptions) is made to order. Cache originally began, and still operates as an Etsy shop, but most of Hernandez’s unique handmade pieces are requested by walk-ins and other artists and designers in the neighborhood. 

My favorite part about Cache is that each piece tells such an original story. Both De La Torre and Hernandez can immediately recall what inspired each piece, where it came from, and how it was made.


Cache produces much more than gorgeous sconces and wall decor. They also upcycle mirrors and lighting fixtures they find at flea markets to create unique designs and furniture that would look amazing in any home. For example, one of Cache’s main displays is a “Tahitian Queen” bust cast in celadon green with silver leaf accents and I would absolutely kill to have in my living room. Also, they make a set of candles with a variety of scents, for when you’re feeling either spicy or tropical.


For future collections, Hernandez says he plans to experiment more with colors and mixed media to create not only sculptures, but canvas and mural art as well. “I want to do more colors,” he says. “I want to make it funky. It’s what people like!”

I’m absolutely sure we will like any new collections Cache Bushwick’s Home Decor will debut next. 


Cache Bushwick’s Home Decor

Local design shop specializing in vintage-inspired decorative pieces.





Follow Cache Bushwick’s Home Decor on Facebook and Instagram.

All images by Jacque Medina for Bushwick Daily.

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