Ugh, Valentine’s Day. Does anyone actually like it? February 14th is a dreaded date when you’re in a relationship and you have to get the person something that’s original, but isn’t too much money but isn’t corny, all because the people from Hallmark told ya to. So. Much. Pressure. Luckily, Bushwick brings us some original gifts this February so you can spend your time doing something other than racking your brain about this sticky (ewwww) subject.
#1 A copy of Disco Era Bushwick, $40
Buy at Bizarre Bushwick, 12 Jefferson Street
I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t love to own a copy of Disco Era Bushwick. Whether your beau is into glitz, portraits, old school NYC, glamour, photo journalism, graffiti, photography and/or all that’s in between, there is definitely something in this book for them.
#2 A Deck of Cards that are super cute, $12
Buy at Mary Meyer, 56 Bogart St
This fun alternative to the standard deck is a great gift for someone who loves drinking games (or gambling).
#3 This lovely “Eat Shit and Die” Snapback, $35
Buy at Scumbags & Superstars, 16 Wilson Ave
Perhaps the person you need to buy a gift for actually isn’t the love of your life, but someone you’re in a tumultuous relationship with that you just can’t dump for some reason. Or maybe they’re a really cool guy or gal with a great sense of humor and style! Either way, this cap is the perfect gift that proves just how #notvalentines you are.
#4 These homemade Kyphi incense that are super mystical, $10
Buy at Catland, 987 Flushing Ave
The recipe for these incense made in-house at Catland are comprised of a traditional recipe found on the walls of Egyptian Temples. That means they’ll make your main squeeze’s room smell great while you guys are gettin’ it on.
#5 These bath salts, $4
Buy at Botanica San Miguel, 879 Broadway
These bath salts will fill your bath with luxury. Even if you don’t get them as a gift, be sure to get them to set the mood for Saturday. Bow-chica-wow-wow.
#6 This adorabely-frightening Rabbat Pillow, $30
Buy at Better Than Jam, 123 Knickerbocker Ave
A subtle way of really just giving someone a stuffed animal.
#7 A Copy of “Stranger than Bushwick,” $6
Buy at Shwick Market, 6 Charles Place
It’s funny, it’s relevant, and it’s cheap: get this copy of comics about Bushwick by Bushwick Daily’s very own artist, Jeremy Nguyen!
#8 These Essential Oils that are named after a hamster, $6
Buy by emailing [email protected]. I’ll come drop em’ off anywhere in the neighborhood!
These oils made by yours truly are cheap cheap cheap, and they can be added to unscented lotions, candles, burned in an oil burner OR added to a beard serum! (ugh, please don’t do that). Each oil was left out under a full moon and comes with a handpainted rune on the bottle so your lover will luv u 4vr.
#9 This “Evolution” T-shirt, $30
Buy at Reflection Dynamiks, 1095 Flushing Ave
Because your love’s evolved: get it? Okay, sorry for the corny joke, guys. This shirt has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day or your relationship. Just get it. It’s a cool t-shirt and everyone will love it.