Bushwick Fashion Weekend: Lessons In Being Cool [Photos]

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The Living Gallery (all photos by Gustavo Ponce)

Spacesuits, jumpsuits and Frank Ape… Sounds like the perfect mixture for a successful, delightful, downright flipping rad weekend at the third season of Bushwick Fashion Weekend.

Hosted at The Living Gallery, the weekend showcased affable vendors, wild and crazy performances and all with that bit of beloved, off-the-wall fashion flare that is pure Bushwick itself.

If you didn’t make it out, it’s ok. We  just so happened be the first ones in line go and take some delightful images that captured the night, the glitter, the papier mache masks and golden jumpsuits perfectly. We told you BFW would be way cooler than NYFW, and we weren’t kidding…

Men in ties are studs. Men with studs on their ties are, like, doubly studly.


Kristy Lituma and Shirley Cruz bask in the glow of their wares, and they do it well in our opinion…

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Felix from Felix and The Future performed a singing, disrobing piece that had a boxer short finale. Like, the real kind of boxer shorts. It was phenomenal.


We love jewelry almost more than we love other things, like chocolate.

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The girls from WORN and their favorite pieces for Autumn

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In a phrase, we want it all. ALL


The Living Gallery’s back patio and doodling artist (he does not come with the gallery)

The singing/performing group DMZL, blew our little argyles clean off our darling little feet. We like them. You should too.


Ear Candy with Ozma Autonomy.


Brian Sines of SinesArt and his familiar creation, Frank Ape.


Founder of The Living Gallery, Nyssa Frank

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