Music and Nightlife

The Best of SXSW: 3 Ways + Playlist

Three BD music writers voyaged to SXSW, took a bunch of gorgeous photos, and documented three very different experiences while down there

The Crazy $h*t We Saw: SXSW ’14 in Photos

We're back from Austin, suitcase full of freebies, ears ringing, and working our way through the week-long hangover that was SXSW

Friday First: Two Twins

In this edition of

So What if It’s SXSW? No Sleep til Bushwick: Top 10 Concerts this Weekend

  We know what you are thinking. It’s SXSW week and Brooklyn is going to be dead because all the good bands will be gone....

We’re in Texas & #BDSXSW is Live

Bushwick Daily has officially touched down at SXSW festival! Wish you were there? Live vicariously through us and find all coverage from the extended Bushwick Daily family at #BDSXSW

Listening Party: Tel Aviv Bootgaze Vaadat Charigim

This week’s Listening Party features Israeli bootgazers Vaadat Charigim

List of Bushwick & BK Bands at SXSW 2014

As you may know, Bushwick Daily is heading down to SXSW! We've already filled you in on our 10 Bands That Will Break Big at the festival this year, provided a how-to guide for fans flocking to Austin, and even put together some  festival fashion recommendations! We won't feel too far from home in the Lone Star State since we'll be in the good company; tons of great Bushwick bands will be present, playing their hearts out all across town

Friday First: Future Punx “999/Livin’ in a Movie” 7″ Premiere

In this latest Friday First, we’re re-visiting some old friends; old friends from the future, that is (whoa, how meta)

It’s All Happening From Thursday to Sunday: The Best Music Shows Since Summertime!

Ladies and gents of Bushwick, it's all happening

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