The 1st BOS 2013 Meeting Coming Up on Monday

BOS 2013

It is not too early to start thinking of June! Especially if you want to make the most out of your Bushwick Open Studios 2013 experience as a volunteer, venue or artist. On Monday, January 28 at Bat Haus, 7-9PM, the organization responsible for BOS, Arts in Bushwick is holding their first public meeting. As you know, Arts in Bushwick is an all-volunteer organization without a hierarchical structure. Therefore, regular involvement of the Bushwick community is crucial for its existence. Arts in Bushwick  is looking for some key volunteers, such as web and map designers, a Wordpress coder, event coordinators and other organizers. You will have a great opportunity to chat with Lucia Rollow, Julia Sinelnikova and other key figures of the last year’s festival.

See you there!

Further reading: Check out our BOS 2012 coverage.

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