When Brooklyn/Philadelphia-based ensemble Cuddle Magic and Baltimore-based multi-disciplinary artist Anna Roberts-Gevalt take the stage this Wednesday night, supported by Luke Temple of Here We Go Magic and Bridget Kearney of Lake Street Dive, it’s sure to be a stimulating, mind-expanding evening of genre bending music and art.
This coming Wednesday at Livestream Public, we will have a chance to take in the group’s diverse approach to storytelling through a performance piece which will debut at MIT’s cutting-edge List Visual Arts Center this fall.
Cuddle Magic is known for their baroque dance music, inflected with a folk sensibility and penchant for experimental instrumentation and evocative vocal melodies. Robert-Gevalt’s performative storytelling is rooted in an Appalachian folk tradition of banjos, campfires, and shadow puppets, which she seamlessly updates with a unique approach to filmmaking and illustration in a fiercely personal and contemporary storytelling mode.
The artists on the bill specifically sought out Brooklyn-based production platform Hypnocraft for an in-process preview of the MIT-bound show. It’s the kind of event that Hypnocraft founder and producer Rachael Pazdan has gained a reliable reputation for.
The artistic community has taken notice of Pazdan’s unique vision and energy along with appreciative audiences and media outlets. She has garnered glowing praise over the years from collaborators, audiences, and the likes of Brooklyn Magazine and the Village Voice for her commitment to staging interdisciplinary performance projects that draw on diverse sources. The artists she commissions, curates, and combines for unique collaborations draw from literature, popular music, experimental theatre, film, performance art, dance, and anything else inspiring today’s young artists. Hypnocraft’s productions highlight inspiring synergies among diverse artists and artistic practices.
It’s surely this very energy that attracted such an illustrious institution as MIT when they connected with Cuddle Magic and Roberts-Gevalt to commission and stage the performance, sharing with Pazdan an interest in creative energy, synergy, and discovery through artistic creation and expression, not to mention an eye for talent. The artists involved, MIT and Pazdan all share a fearless and visionary approach to art, seeing collaborative possibilities and staging their manifestations long before others take notice. Be there Wednesday night with Cuddle Magic, Anna Roberts-Gevalt, Luke Temple, and Bridget Kearney to witness what’s sure to be another inspiring triumph of creative collaboration staged by Pazdan’s Hypnocraft.
Hypnocrafts presents Cuddle Magic with Anna Roberts-Gevalt, this Wednesday night at 7:30pm at Livestream Public at 195 Morgan Avenue off the L train at Morgan or Grand. Tickets are $12. Watch it live here.