BOS ’11 Buzz!

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The second week of May is lazily leaning towards its end and in the Bushwick language it means only one thing! Bushwick Open Studios are only about 3 weeks away! And you can tell! The entire Bushwick is buzzing: artist, galleries, art spaces, everyone is planning, working, assembling, collaborating… Our art scene is extremely colorful, vibrant and edgy and the fifth year of the greatest Bushwick art festival is a great opportunity to show your art not only to the fellow artists, critics and collectors, but also to crowds of people flowing to our beloved hood.

And if you want to know what is being boiled, you’re reading the right blog. Bushwick Daily has teamed up with Arts in Bushwick, a volunteer organization behind the festival and together we’ll bring you insider look into studios, galleries and cafes.

Stay tuned, because we’ll be interviewing artists, curators, cafes and galleries about their plans!

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