6 Art Shows that Blur the Lines Between Art…and Everything Else

Historically, there has been a distinct separation between media and genres of art - the beaux arts tradition imported from the Grande Academie of Paris, from which American art institutions were derived, maintained clear boundaries between the plastic, performing, and literary arts - whoa, I'll stop there before I go off on an art historical tangent! While these boundaries have been questioned, challenged and straight up abolished during multiple decades and artistic movements, no better example of the line being blurred could be found than in Bushwick’s art events this week

Tags: LDP Institutes

6 Art Shows that Blur the Lines Between Art…and Everything Else

Historically, there has been a distinct separation between media and genres of art - the beaux arts tradition imported from the Grande Academie of Paris, from which American art institutions were derived, maintained clear boundaries between the plastic, performing, and literary arts - whoa, I'll stop there before I go off on an art historical tangent! While these boundaries have been questioned, challenged and straight up abolished during multiple decades and artistic movements, no better example of the line being blurred could be found than in Bushwick’s art events this week